Why You Arenโ€™t Managing Your Time Effectively and Three Time Management Tips that will Lead to a Bigger Impact for Humanitarian and Development Leaders

Do you feel stretched thin by work demands, struggling to carve out time for impactful projects?

In this episode, we uncover three often-overlooked strategies for time management specifically tailored for humanitarian and development supervisors.

Here's what you'll learn:

  1. Gain insight into setting effective boundaries on your time and your team's time, empowering you to prioritize tasks...
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Why Open Door Policies Are Overrated

Are you constantly overwhelmed with a never-ending stream of interruptions at work?

Whether you're a humanitarian and develoment leader in the field or managing a team remotely, the pressure to always be available might be hurting your productivity more than you realize.

In today's fast-paced work environment, the expectation of constant availability can lead to burnout and decreased...

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What You Need to Know Before Using a Time Management App as a Humanitarian and Development Leader

Wouldn't it be nice if a time management tool could solve all our problems as humanitarian and development leaders?

Unfortuntely, it doesn't work that way.

While time management tools can be helpful, there is something else you need to address before you can use them effectively.

Something that will have a much greater impact on your time management.

It has to do with the way you THINK about...

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Slowing Down to Save Time

When I was a leader in the international development and the humanitarian sector, I had many reasons to rush.

There is always a deadline - whether a proposal, a project need or a government request.

And yet there are consequences for being in a hurry and just trying to get things done.

In this episode I share the importance of slowing down to understand and listen, and my own experience with...

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How You May Be Delaying Your Goal Achievement

How have you done achieving your annual goals?

Sometimes it feels like there's some magic formula that we are missing which will allow us to achieve our goals.

Thankfully, that's not true.

Achieving our goals comes down to one thing.

And that is: how we have prioritized our time.

The way we use our time compounded leads us to the results we have today.

The good news is that means you can make...

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A Simple Way to Stop Procrastinating

We all have times where we procrastinate and put off doing something.

Have you ever thought about why?

At a simple level it has to do with avoiding a feeling we are having.

For example, we feel overwhelm, or anxious or afraid when we think about doing something, and so we choose to do something else.

Recently I found a simple thing you can do when planning your week that will reduce the...

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How to Gain Control Over Your Time - Part Two

Last week we looked at how to become aware of how we are using our time through conducting a Time Audit 2.0 (looking at both activities and energy level). 

Now that you know how you currently use your time, we can start to decide if that is how we want to use our time.  The series of questions in this episode will help you decide how much control you have over your time, where your...

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How to Gain Control Over Your Time - Part One

"Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become." - James Clear, Atomic Habits

This quote captures the topic of today perfectly.  That is, if you compound your actions on a daily or weekly basis, where will they lead you in a year, or even three?  

Are you going in the direction you want to go, or are you going in a direction someone else wants you to go?


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Finding Time for Developing Your Team

You have a lot on your to do list.  Between all the meetings, email and your everyday obligations, things get busy fast!

And yet, one of our most important priorities as supervisors can be one of the ones we delay doing the most - that is developing our team.

How can you find time to develop your team while also keeping your other priorities?

Listen to this episode to find out!


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Tips to Plan Your Week that Will Help You Take Action

The words you use when planning your week matter.

It may not seem like a big thing - but depending on how you are phrasing things in your calendar or to do list, you can end up procrastinating or not wanting to take action.

I see many leaders - including myself - sometimes delay doing things because how they are listed in our calendar is not helpful.

In this episode I share simple tips to help...

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