Leadership Podcast

Formal Versus Informal Coaching and How to Start

You hear me talk a lot about coaching.

But I haven't really explained the differences between formal coaching and informal.

Today I've invited a guest to discuss the differences, benefits for your team and some practical ways to start.

Elena Sancho has 20 years experience in the aid sector and is now a certified professional coach.  She shares her journey in finding coaching, and how she has since integrated it into her work and life to help others benefit also.

Resources mentioned:


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Behind the Scenes: Student Support for the Coaching Course

Some of you have asked for a peek behind my coaching course - how is it run?  How do we ensure students complete the course successfully?

In response I interviewed Maureen Murigi, my Admin Support Manager for the course.  Maureen shares what the course looks like from her perspective - and the challenges she faces while making sure students have what they need to finish successfully.

If you'd like to enroll in the coaching course, doors are open until Wednesday, July 6th!  ...

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Is It Time to Change Your Leadership Style?

Many of you have asked whether or not you should take my digital coaching course, which teaches a "coaching leadership style."

What I tell aid workers is that this way of leading is the future for the aid world, or at least the future we envision - a more inclusive, localized approach.  

But you don't have to take my word for it.  Today's guest Leah Marie Lucas is one of my former students and she shares how her leadership style changed after learning this different approach.

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How a Team Is Using Coaching to Broaden Their Impact

Recently I had a group of 38 students from CRS Uganda take my coaching course.

I asked a panel of four (Olive D'Mello, Florence Ayo, Dismus Arineitwe and Emmanuel Obuko) to answer some questions about what changed for them since taking the course.  You'd be surprised!

Here are a few things they mention:

  • Using coaching as a way to learn with their team (reflection)
  • Creating an empowering culture where people come to them with solutions not just questions
  • Using coaching as a leadership...
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The Quick Fix Myth


Wouldn't it be great if we knew exactly what a community wanted without talking to them?

If we knew what the community wanted, we could skip all the design meetings, all the planning and just get started with implementation.

It would be great.  But it's not reality.

Although we may want to rush, when we fix things quickly now we can make them harder in the long run.

The same goes for supervising our teams.

We may think we are fixing things when we quickly tell our teams what to...

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The Power of Coaching - Three Inspirational Stories from the Ground

Today's episode is a little different - it covers three stories, two of my former direct reports and one colleague, who all experienced changes in their work and lives due to coaching.  I hope their stories will inspire you to understand how much coaching can help move you forward in a way that a normal conversation cannot, even in the context of international development.

Thank you to Yane Pinto, Matthew Will and Renee Lambert for sharing your stories.

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How Coaching Changed the Way We Work

I am excited to introduce two of my former students, Brenda Kamboga and Bronwen Moore.  In this episode they share what they learned in my coaching course, The Aid Worker's Guide to Successful Coaching 101, and how it changed their perspective in how they approach their teams and at home.  You might be surprised by what they have to say, and some of the advice they give in starting your own coaching journey.

This episode is brought to you by my digital coaching course, The Aid...

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A Super Efficient Way to Focus on Your Team's Professional Development

In aid work, time is precious.  And although we know that spending time on our team's professional development will pay off in the long run, it often seems like competing priorities get in the way.  In today's episode you'll learn about a very efficient way to use your time during professional development, and three reasons why it's so effective.

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The Right and Wrong Way to Coach Someone

Coaching is becoming more recognized in international development as a powerful leadership methodology that when used properly will help your direct reports develop professionally, realize their goals and become the best version of themselves. That said, there are a lot of misconceptions of coaching, what it is and how to do it. In this episode I share three common misconceptions (the wrong way to coach) which you may not know you are doing and how you can correct them.

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