About Torrey Podcast The Course Register Here

Lead for Greater Impact

Empower your team to do things their way

Become a more inclusive leader

Motivate others to make sustainable change

Take Me to Frequently Asked Questions

Here's what participants are saying:


Are you ready to transform your leadership?

Here's How This Course Will Amplify Your Results:

Lead through coaching skills and tools that motivate your team to take more responsibility and perform at their best.

Practice coaching your team with weekly feedback and support from Torrey and other development and humanitarian supervisors.

Create the impact you want to make as a leader using the "coach approach" beyond the course.

"This course enabled me to lean into a leadership style that I am proud of and that reflects my values and the values of my organization. I learned a concrete methodology for helping others generate and own their own solutions to challenges. In a fast-paced, high stakes work environment like ours, it can be tempting to make decisions for your team and take on more ownership of outcomes than is really appropriate or helpful. The course reminded me that the best leaders help others identify their own paths to success – and empower and trust them to follow through in a way that is genuine to them and ultimately more successful and sustainable!"

Sarah Ali
Business Development Specialist, Catholic Relief Services, East Asia and Pacific Sub Region

"The most significant thing that’s changed since I have taken the course is making coaching a habit. This has been like a fast track for me, so not only have I learned a lot but I am integrating it into my life. It has impacted the way I am leading – the way I interact with colleagues and volunteers and the way I help them grow and I am also growing while doing that –it's very powerful. "

Salif Kanoute
President, DECLIC, Senegal

Here's an overview of what's included in "The Coach Approach Leadership Style" six week course:

  • Two hour weekly live call to learn coaching as an everyday leadership style that will motivate your team to overcome challenges and perform with confidence

  • Practice coaching (asking quality questions, helping others gain self-awareness) with feedback and guidance

  • Tools and resources to become a more empathetic, effective leader relevant to humanitarian/development context 

  • Weekly guided discussion with assigned Accountability Partner (fellow student often from a different organization)

  • Practical content you can immediately apply and experience results

Register Here

"Since taking the course I have used my new listening skills and asking powerful questions in meetings.  Knowing how to listen and not just give advice has been very powerful—I see how my relationships have improved with others on my team and there is higher collaboration, and we get results faster. Now that I have taken this course, I am excited to see what other opportunities coaching and the skills gained with it will provide. "

Brenda Kamboga
WFP, HR Officer, Regional Bureau Nairobi, Kenya

Some Frequently Asked Questions About the Course:

The next course starts July 2nd 2024 and is for six weeks.

The course is $500 USD per individual enrolled.  If you enroll a team of five or more (must be from within the same country program) the price drops to $390 USD per person.



If you would like an email template asking your organization for funds to take the course, please email Torrey - [email protected] and ask.  We will send you a customizable template that can help you ask for funding and highlight the advantages of the course for you and your organization.

I know you’re crazy busy – I’ve been there! But somehow with a full time job as a Country Manager I managed to squeeze a year and a half of coaching courses into my schedule, and boy am I glad I did! (Puts six weeks into perspective, huh?)

I’ve designed this course to make it as time efficient for you as possible, with all assignments as well as meetings with your accountability partner all amount to less than four hours a week. That’s like sitting through one agriculture working group meeting each week (although way more fun)!

If you are a supervisor in the international development or humanitarian sector, you can benefit from learning how to coach.  That means regardless of whether you are admin, finance or programming.  I have had various positions from Admin, Finance, Technical Advisors, Business Development, you name it!   This is not a "programming" thing - it is a "people" thing.  If you want to be a more effective leader and make a greater impact, this course is for you!

Most people who think they are coaching are sports coaching - not leadership coaching.  That is, they are doing a combination of guiding, telling and teaching.  This is not leadership coaching.  Leadership coaching is about helping others find their own way and come up with their own solutions.  It is a more empowering and motivating way to lead, and very impactful.

If you want to learn more, check out this podcast:

Are You Sports Coaching or Leadership Coaching?

Yes! If you’re a new supervisor (even of only one person) this is a great opportunity for you. I wish I had learned coaching when I only had one direct report – it would have helped me really refine my coaching skills and accelerate their development with the extra support. This is a skill you can use the rest of your supervisory career, so for sure the more practice and sooner you learn it the better! 

I have several students who learned coaching before supervising a new team, and were glad to start from the beginning with their new skills.

Every week you’ll receive a new set of lessons and materials on Tuesday.  

Each Tuesday there is a two hour live video webinar discussion in which Torrey teaches the fundamentals of coaching success and how to coach, and then students can immediately practice with feedback.  Then you can apply with your team, and observe the impact!

You will also have structured conversations on a weekly basis with your Accountability Partner.  This is one of my students' favorite parts of the course, since you are able to learn from another person (often in a different organization!) and evolve as coaches together.

Although "The Coach Approach Leadership Style" is not a course that will make you a certified coach, you will receive a certificate if you’ve completed all the assignments and attend the live calls by the end of the course.

"The course is little investment for the amount of positive energy you receive in return. It is a very realistic, practical training that leaves you with a plan integrated to your work. It does not require too many hours a week, and there is more content if you choose to learn even more. Also the Accountability Partner really helped me – not only to stay on track but during one of our practice coaching sessions it helped me to address something with one of my staff. "

Florence Sonntag
Head of Sub Office, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Iraq

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"The Aid Worker's Guide to Successful Coaching 101"
is open for enrollment. 

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