Leadership Podcast

The Most Motivating and Effective Way to Lead

Many of us underestimate how much our values influence how we feel and show up as leaders.

How can you tell if you are not aligned with your values?

You may feel stressed, frustrated or demotivated.

When you understand your values and make decisions to prioritize them, you can become motivated, inspired and excited.

I have seen it many times working with leaders - how simply understanding what motivates them (personal values) can change the way they work and lead.

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Humility Is Empowerment

Are you humble?

And if you say you're humble---does that make you not humble?

We may think we are being humble with our teams.

But many aid worker leaders (myself included) have come to define our validity as leaders with the ability to tell our teams what to do.  

Our ego is tied to our ability to provide the answers.

We are not being humble enough to admit our way is not the only way.

And that although telling others what to do makes us feel important, it doesn't help our team...

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