Leadership Podcast

Leading Versus Quality Questions

When we communicate with others, and especially when coaching, the quality of our questions can have tremendous impact on the outcome.

We can have good intentions, but a question which is leading or directive can shut down a conversation and limit the creativity and resourcefulness of those you work with.

In this episode you'll learn how to know if you are asking leading questions, and what to do about it, so you can communicate more effectively and develop your team at the same time.


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Top 3 Coaching Mistakes Leaders Make and How to Fix Them

This week registration opens for "The Coach Approach Leadership Style" coaching course and to give you an idea of what we cover, I am sharing the top three mistakes I see new humanitarian and development leaders make when coaching, and how you can overcome them!

I'm showing you how these might impact the quality of your coaching, and how to increase your effectiveness with a few small changes.  

To check out enrollment for the coaching course visit here.


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Is It Time to Change Your Leadership Style?

Many of you have asked whether or not you should take my digital coaching course, which teaches a "coaching leadership style."

What I tell aid workers is that this way of leading is the future for the aid world, or at least the future we envision - a more inclusive, localized approach.  

But you don't have to take my word for it.  Today's guest Leah Marie Lucas is one of my former students and she shares how her leadership style changed after learning this different approach.

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Qualities of a High Achiever - Internal vs External Validation?

I was honored to do a Time Management Master Training at the WILD Forum last week.  After the training, I found myself looking through the participants' comments for feedback.  And I quickly stopped myself.

While receiving feedback is wonderful, we need to be careful when we find ourselves craving it.  In my case, I was craving the feedback to confirm that "this presentation is amazing" - or really "I am amazing."  Although I found the feedback to validate people felt it...

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The Power of Silence Part Two

Today is a bit different from our typical episode.  

After publishing "The Power of Silence",which discusses how we can use silence for more meaningful communication, I received a question from a longtime listener.

She asked "how do we use silence (or should we) during a difficult conversation?"

This is a great question, and so I decided to do a follow up episode to answer it!

How DO we use silence in a powerful conversation ---when should we and when is it not appropriate?


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Double Your Leadership Impact by Going WILD with Fiona Macaulay

If you listen to this podcast you already know how important leadership is in the humanitarian and international development space.

Great leaders can motivate others toward achieving a shared vision.

Not so great leaders can cause team members to work long hours, lose motivation and quit their roles.

So how do we become great leaders, the kind that we admire?

One way is by going WILD.

The Women Innovators and Leaders (WILD) Network, that is.

The WILD Network is specifically for aid worker...

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