Leadership Podcast

How to Create Time for Focused Work

In last week's episode, Chen Kadungure and I talked about how to create focus and eliminate distractions so you can do more focused or deep work.

Once again deep work is focused, uninterrupted, undistracted work on a task that pushes your cognitive abilities to their limit.

Examples of this include——writing or reviewing a donor report, proposal writing, strategic planning, or creating a new way of doing something.

So that’s all well and good, but how do we...

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How to Create Focus and Minimize Distractions in Aid Work

“If you don't produce, you won't thrive—no matter how skilled or talented you are.”  Cal Newport, author of “Deep Work”

Noisy generators.  Crowing roosters.  Loud music.

Working in the aid world can be very distracting!

Not to mention all the email, texts and other notifications.

Sometimes it's hard to create an environment for focus.

So you can do the IMPORTANT work.... concentrated work.

The work that will make the most impact.

But sometimes...

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