Leadership Podcast

Will I Lose My Team's Respect by Not Having the Answers?

What is a common fear of leaders in humanitarian and international development when it comes to coaching their teams?

The fear of losing respect.

Losing respect because their team sees them as needing to have all the answers.

So if they start asking their teams what they think, then the team will question their authority.

I understand the reasoning behind this concern, especially in certain cultures where leadership is more directive.

But how true is it?

And is it really true we need to...

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What Your Team REALLY Wants with Feedback

The word "feedback" can create feelings of anxiety, fear and anger.

And yet, your team says they want feedback.

So what is it they REALLY want?

Most likely they want to grow, or become a better version of themselves in some way.

The problem is if we don't know how to have that conversation, we can actually create the opposite effect - that is, a team member resistant to change.

In this episode I present how to see feedback the way your team wants to receive it, and how to make it a regular...

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How to Make a New Way of Leading Successful

Whether you know it or not, you have a certain way of leading your team.

They are used to you doing things a certain way.

So if you suddenly change that without saying anything...

It could be very disruptive, and unproductive.

In this episode I share what I've learned about how to introduce a new way of leading to make it successful, in part by making the transition more comfortable and inclusive.


Resources Mentioned:

The Coach Approach Leadership Style

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Taking Your Power Back

Are you the hero or the victim of your story?

Sometimes we may be a victim - and not even realize it.

And when we are a victim - we become helpless and hopeless.

This means we don't act, we don't grow and we don't help ourselves or others.

Because we see our situation as "reality" - rather than seeing it as a story that can change.

In this episode I share how to recognize when you are in victim mode and what you can do to get out of it.

Resources mentioned:

The Coach Approach Leadership...

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Why Doesn't My Team Have Ideas?

There are many benefits of a proactive team.

A more proactive team means greater diversity of thought, higher team motivation and more time for you to work on the important things on your to do list.

Sometimes just asking your team what they think is not enough to make them more proactive and independent.

There are reasons why some team members may be hesitant to offer their ideas or make decisions on their own.

In this episode we explain these reasons, and then address what you can do so...

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Why They're Not Doing What You Ask

We've all been there as a humanitarian or development leader.

You have a meeting with your team, or community, or implementing partner, and you think you've agreed on what to do next.

You come back a week later, and find out... nothing has been done!

Why is that?

The more responsibility we take for our team, the community, government, implementing partner (or even your kids!) not taking action on something, the more likely we can fix it.  

Because chances are, there's something we...

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How Often Are You Really Leading?

Sometimes we get lost in the busyness of our day, and we forget what leadership really is.

True leadership is not about using our power to make others follow our commands.

True leadership is about inspiring and motivating others to WANT to follow us.

How do we do that?

In this episode, we review what it means to lead, and how to know when we are leading versus doing something else, and the best way to motivate others to want to follow us.


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How You May Be Creating a Team That's Dependent On You

How much does your team rely on you?

Maybe it's not the entire team that needs your help.

Maybe it's one or two people.

You have shown them how to do something again and again...

And still they don't do it on their own.

If you recognize this situation, it is likely you are partly responsible for it.

You may think you are being helpful, but your actions as a leader are creating a team that's dependent on you.

How can you make your team become not rely on you?

Find out in this week's episode.

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