Leadership Podcast

What Your Team REALLY Wants with Feedback

The word "feedback" can create feelings of anxiety, fear and anger.

And yet, your team says they want feedback.

So what is it they REALLY want?

Most likely they want to grow, or become a better version of themselves in some way.

The problem is if we don't know how to have that conversation, we can actually create the opposite effect - that is, a team member resistant to change.

In this episode I present how to see feedback the way your team wants to receive it, and how to make it a regular...

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Becoming a Better Leader Through Greater Self-Awareness

We all know them.

Leaders who are not aware how their behavior impacts their team.

They have no idea that they frequently put the team down or start yelling for no apparent reason.

The kind of leader we all want to avoid and avoid becoming.

One of the best ways to become the leader you admire is by being aware of how your behavior is being perceived by others.

In other words, becoming more self-aware.

It is possible to grow your self-awareness.

And studies have linked it closely to increased...

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