Leadership Podcast

How to Gain Control Over Your Time - Part One

"Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become." - James Clear, Atomic Habits

This quote captures the topic of today perfectly.  That is, if you compound your actions on a daily or weekly basis, where will they lead you in a year, or even three?  

Are you going in the direction you want to go, or are you going in a direction someone else wants you to go?

Will you achieve your goals as a leader, or even the impact you hope to make?

Part of being able to...

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How to Become a Better Problem Solver

Our entire career as a leader - and in fact, our entire personal life as well - is a measure of how well we solve problems.

The better we are at solving problems, the more we advance.  The more we are able to learn and overcome.  And through the failure along the way, we also grow stronger.

So it's not hard to imagine why learning how to solve problems better is a very valuable skill.  Today I am sharing with you my four step process to solving problems better.  And it...

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When to Ask "How Can I Help?"

Asking your team "how can I help?" is a great way to show your support.

But knowing when to ask this question can make it more helpful to your team member - and ultimately to you as a leader too.

In this episode I explore the best way to ask "how can I help you?" as a supervisor in order to empower your team and not keep them from growing.

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Best Practices When Using Coaching for Development Planning

The more you empower your team to come up with their own Development Plans, the more likely they are to take action.  And that is really the whole point, right?

In this episode I share four powerful questions you can ask during a Development Plan Coaching conversation to help your direct reports determine what skills to learn, how to learn them, how to plan for unforeseen challenges and also prepare them to take action.    

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Tips to Plan Your Week that Will Help You Take Action

The words you use when planning your week matter.

It may not seem like a big thing - but depending on how you are phrasing things in your calendar or to do list, you can end up procrastinating or not wanting to take action.

I see many leaders - including myself - sometimes delay doing things because how they are listed in our calendar is not helpful.

In this episode I share simple tips to help you plan your week so you are ready to take action and be more productive during your week!

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When and How to Ask for Help

It's not always easy to ask others for help.  It can make us feel vulnerable, incompetent or we don't want to burden someone else.

And yet, there are times when it is actually our responsibility to ask for help.

I am talking about when to ask your supervisor for help.

Many of the leaders I work with are reluctant to ask for help, when it is obvious they need it and that doing so would alleviate a lot of worry and anxiety.

In this episode I discuss when is it appropriate for you to ask...

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Your Inspirational Year to Becoming a Better Leader

Last week we reflected on who we became as a leader over the last year and how it helped us achieve what we have so far.

This week we focus on how to achieve what we want for the next year (our "one thing") and how you can create weekly actions to do so.

Your resulting "one thing" and the weekly actions you can take should leave you feeling inspired and motivated to get started on becoming your next version of yourself as a leader.

Here are the reflection questions:

1. State the "one thing"...

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Why You've Achieved What You Have Over the Last Year

What have you accomplished over the last year as a supervisor and leader?

And more importantly, what led you to achieve what you have - and what may have prevented you from achieving more?

Taking the time to reflect on questions such as these can set us up for greater growth and success in the coming year.

Just like we do project reflections, we should reflect on our own learning too.

But learning what we have achieved should not be restricted to just the "how" we did it.  We also need...

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Your Most Impactful Role as a Humanitarian or Development Leader

The way we see our role as a leader relates directly to the way we use our time and the impact we create.

It also relates to the level of overwhelm and burnout we experience.

Based on some common misconceptions, I am sharing how you can make the most impact as a humanitarian or development leader.

You'll learn two shifts in perspective that will help you focus your time and prioritize what will make the most impact for you and your team.

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How Respecting Your Time Leads to Having More Of It

Another year is almost over, and if you're like me, you may be asking... where did my time go?

And better yet, what have I accomplished?

Depending on how much you respect your own time, you may find yourself either doing urgent work for others, or doing important work for yourself.

What's interesting is many of us don't even realize when we are not respecting our time.

We think we are being productive, or being helpful.

But when you take a step back and think about it, this is a habit that...

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