Importance of Self-Commitments and How You Could be Sabotaging Your Own Success

Most of us like to think we keep our commitments to ourselves.  Like when you tell yourself "today I am going to finish that budget" or "I am going to go running later."  But what happens when someone else's request gets in the way of your agenda?  Do you stand your ground and honor your self-commitment, or do you cave in and do what that other person wants?  

Keeping the commitments we make to ourselves is very important.  It means we respect ourselves, and we value our own integrity when we say we are going to do something.  It also gives a feeling of joy and pride when we are able to fulfill the things we tell ourselves we are going to do.

Unfortunately many of us value other people's commitments and time more than our own, and the result is more stress, a feeling of unease and not being true to yourself.  

If you want to start honoring yourself and the commitments you make, you'll find four steps to becoming self-committed in this episode.  

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